Compounding Problems
The consequences of the actions you take or don't take are in the future. Every decision or indecision has an equal and opposite feedback. You may not fully understand those consequences till you are faced with them in the future.
Certain actions lead to problems. Some problems may never be fixed. Like breaking a plate into a thousand pieces and hoping to perfectly glue it back together. While creating problems, you may honestly have no idea that what you are creating are problems. You may think you are solving the problems but you are creating more problems.
However, it's always best to identify a problem rather than try so hard to hide it. The more you hid or superficially solve it, the bigger the problem grows. The more complex the solution becomes. The more energy is required to understand it.

So think twice about those actions. Really stay present with the actions you take. Be true to yourself. Stand your ground when it comes to your integrity. Understand problems before attempting to resolve.